You will be notified by e-mail 30 days before the actual renewal takes place. Once canceled, you will have to manually renew your Bitdefender product. You can cancel your automatic renewal service at any time. You will automatically get the most advanced versions of your security solution once they become available, at no extra cost. You won’t have to go through all the steps of manually renewing your subscription. This is why 90% of Bitdefender customers choose to keep the Auto-Renewal plan. Auto-renewal keeps your defenses activated without interruption for all devices covered by your current subscription. You’ll enjoy continuous protection against all online threats. Here are some benefits that come with Auto-Renewal We take care of all the nitty-gritty, so you can relax knowing that your devices will benefit from continued ironclad protection from the most advanced and easiest-to-use cyber-security solution on the market. but there is no service for it.Auto-renewal allows you to conveniently retain your protection when your Bitdefender subscription expires, without having to go through all the motions of manually renewing your cyber-security solution. The symantec e p management console shows up and appears to be working and running, of course i don't have a user / pass set and can't login. So i killed the IIS service (and pop / imap / stmp / ssl etc with it) and all of the symantec a/v things i could find.
it opened the "management server configuration wizard" i get to the end (after it asks for the admin password) and it says that it is already running and i need to stop the endpoint protection service (which doesn't show up in services) and IIS.
I uninstalled the "symantec system center" per the sep sbs best practices pdf i got from the symantec site. and short story long i was convinced to give sep11 a try. I tried to buy a upgrade license and they said that they couldn't basically becasue the sav was a boxed product.
I jsut installed symantec endpoint 11 on SBS 2003 sp2.